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After a trio of masterful period pics, German director Christian Petzold returns to the present while veering into the realm of the supernatural with this overripe female-centered romance. Undine works as a historian lecturing on Berlin's urban development. But when the man she loves leaves her, the ancient myth How did you buy your ticket?

Undine has to kill the man who betrays her and. 'Undine': Film Review. Christian Petzold's "Undine" begins with a breakup. Framed tightly on the face of lead actor Paula Beer, we absorb the news as. 'Undine' Review: Christian Petzold's Romantic Ghost Story Will Disappoint His Fans, but It's Not a Total Loss.


Berlin: One of Germany's most beloved auteurs returns with a romantic drama that never. Драма, мелодрама. Режиссер: Кристиан Петцольд. В ролях: Паула Бер, Франц Роговский, Марьям Заре и др. История всепоглощающей любви на грани жизни и смерти — классический сюжет эпохи романтизма — на фоне современного Берлина. Undine (Paula Beer) is an eloquent historian. She teaches tourists about the architectural history of The camera is almost entirely static throughout the movie, giving it a distant, almost Brechtian feel to it. MRQE Metric: See what the critics had to say and watch the trailer. Synopsis: Undine works as a historian lecturing on Berlin's urban development. Undine has to kill the man who betrays her and return to the water.

Trailer Undine



ABOUT MOVIE title:Undine Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Romance. An undine is an elemental, ethereal being - a kind of water nymph. Legend states that the undine must kill her lover if he has the audacity to betray her.

Movie and show review. Драма, мелодрама, мистика. Режиссер: Кристиан Петцольд. В ролях: Паула Бир, Франц Роговски, Якоб Матшенц и др. Ундина живет в Берлине и проводит экскурсии по городу. После того, как Ундину бросает парень, девушка чувствует на себе древнее проклятие. Anyone familiar with European folklore will have an idea of where Christian Petzold's latest feature may end up. Undine works as a historian lecturing on Berlin's urban development. But when the man she loves leaves her, the ancient myth catches up with her.

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