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Read Common Sense Media's Parasite review, age rating, and parents guide. In this movie, reaching the high ground is certainly desirable, but those occupying the low ground aren't going. Bong Joon-ho's Parasite Is an Acid-Black Comedy That Eats at the Mind.

Park So-dam, left, and Choi Woo-shik play siblings who become tutors to the rich Park family in Parasite. Parasite Review: Bong Joon-ho's Latest is Truly One of a Kind. This low-budget, South Korean mystery/thriller/comedy/tragedy has been scooping up all.


Chris Stuckmann reviews Parasite, starring Song Kang Ho, Lee Sun Kyun, Cho Yeo Jeong, Choi Woo Shik, Park So Dam, Lee Jung Eun, Chang Hyae Jin. No Spoilers Parasite is a pitch black horror comedy with an utterly grim view of the world. It is a brilliant film that never goes quite where you expect it to go. Parasite is a difficult film to talk about. It defies any easy pigeonhole, wriggles free from slotting into a single genre, can be considered both a mainstream crowd-pleaser and an arthouse masterpiece. A review of 'Parasite,' the first foreign-language film to win Best Picture.

Trailer Parasite



In Parasite there is a similar defiant strangeness, but the alchemy is a little less effective in the end. There's no shortage of recent movies and TV shows that critique the one-percent, with everything But in the superb new film Parasite, our hate-watch obsession with the wealthy is presented with a. Rarely does a movie combine cinematic fireworks and social commentary as mischievously as Korean director Bong Joon-ho's Parasite does.

But Parasite might be his most intricate examination of the topic so far. The "parasite" of the title applies to every character in this film; the rich leech off the poor, who in turn survive by attaching. Parasite is everything one might want out of a movie and more. Be prepared to burst into compulsive applause throughout the movie as.

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