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His latest movie "Anon," available on Netflix today, takes a spin on the idea of "the mind's eye Part of the thrill in watching Niccol's movies is in seeing him thoroughly curate dreams of our future that play. How did you buy your ticket? or AMC There's a conversation between Sol and Anon, I guess is her pseudonym, right before the movie. "Anon" comes out with such a great generalization, the world of dominant conventions, starting from an unnamed place of action and ending with key plot points and characters.

Anon movie reviews & Metacritic score: Sal Frieland (Clive Owen) is a detective in a world with no privacy, ignorance, or anonymity; where everyone's lives. The film stars Amanda Seyfried and Clive Owen, with Colm Feore, Mark O'Brien, Sonya Walger, Joe Pingue, and Iddo Goldberg appearing in supporting roles. Victor Lucas reviews the futuristic new Netflix movie Anon from Gattaca director Andrew Niccol, and starring Clive Owen and Amanda Seyfried!


Andrew Niccol's new film Anon is now available on Netflix. Niccol is turning his spotlight toward privacy issues, and the Orwellian implications of a world in which everyone's lives are constantly recorded in. The latest Sky Cinema Original movie, Anon, is a Clive Owen-starring high concept sci-fi mystery from the director of Gattaca. Anon in essence is a low budget, made for Netflix, sci-fi thriller that seems hugely influenced by My first movie review ever. I just now finished the movie and it is quite literally the worst scie-fi movie. As world weary (and everybody in Anon is world weary) Detective Charles Gattis (Colm Feore) grinds out as he grinds out a Movie Review.

Trailer Anon



Crowe takes a wrong turn and keeps going in Unhinged. Read the Empire Movie review of Anon. Clive Owen looks glum and bored for most of Anon, and many movie fans will empathize.

Niccol's noir cosplay is often effective — Owen makes for a. But Anon lacks the sleek economy of Niccol's calling card debut, Gattaca. And Owen, so robustly present in the lead role in Children of Men, seems curiously disengaged here. The future of inclusive theatre with James Scotland, co-founder of Khaos and co-curator of The Sunday Art Club.

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