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The other reviews seem almost to have seen a different movie than me. where to start with so much badness. Eyes of an Angel Ratings & Reviews Explanation. EYES OF AN ANGEL loads the bases with a cute kid, a plucky wounded dog, and John Travolta's killer baby blues, but it still can't manage to score.

The movie is directed by Robert Harmon and featured John Travolta and Richard Edson as lead characters. "Angel Eyes" is a complex, evasive romance involving two people who both want to be inaccessible. It's intriguing to see their dance of attraction and retreat. This is not outstanding Roger Ebert.

Eyes of an Angel

Just his shall we say regular and personal view of a movie that, unlike many of his fellow reviewers at the time. It was released in France, Sweden, and on television in the United States as The Tender. John Travolta is a downtrodden single father raising his daughter under difficult circumstances in Chicago. The young girl comes upon and then nurses a. No posts have been made on this movie yet. Be the first to start talking about Eyes of an Angel! Драма. Режиссер: Роберт Хармон. В ролях: Джон Траволта, Элли Рааб, Тито Ларрива и др. Жена умерла, и Бобби сам воспитывает дочь. Брат покойной, мафиози, на ряду с остальным бизнесом занимается собачьими боями.

Trailer Eyes of an Angel

Eyes of an Angel

Eyes of an Angel

John Travolta is a downtrodden single father raising his daughter under difficult circumstances in Chicago. The young girl comes upon and then nurses a wounded Doberman used for fighting, back to health. Duped by underworld types he was.

I can see why most of the reviews were. "Angel Eyes" was promoted as a Jennifer Lopez movie because, at the time, she was a very hot celebrity; however this movie is all about the acting talents of James Caviezel. Although the movie was promoted as one of the best roles for Lopez, it didn't live up to what promised and Lopez ended up. Starring: John Travolta, Ellie Raab, Tito Larriva and others. John Travolta is a downtrodden single father raising his daughter under difficult circumstances in Chicago.

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