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Triple Frontier makes a decent stab at looking beyond the usual ambitions of the genre. There's thought behind all this gun-toting. The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review.

When the Movie is in the momentum of giving us chills, it suddenly stops and takes a. (The Triple Frontier is where Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina meet at a bend in the Parana River.) But by then, we know so little about them that we're not nearly as invested as we should be in the difficult decisions they must make in the name of survival. Parents need to know that Triple Frontier is an action movie set in South America. A top-tier team of "retired" Special Ops U.

Triple Frontier

S. soldiers reunite in an attempt to kill an infamous Brazilian cartel leader and take back the many. Paddleton review - moving but middling Netflix bromance. Chandor's drama about five ex-military pals who reunite to rip off a drug lord is an action thriller that turns into a plodding "Triple Frontier" falls into the canyon in between. It's not good art, but it's not crackerjack entertainment either. It's another Netflix movie, and. "Triple Frontier" takes off with a banging overture loaded with the familiar sights and sounds of a phalanx of police vehicles breaching enemy lines After the slamming opener, the movie's worldview becomes clearer. Santiago seems to be some kind of freelance military adviser for the South.

Trailer Triple Frontier

Triple Frontier

Triple Frontier

Triple Frontier is the kind of adrenaline-fueled B-movie that goes down well with beer and pizza and a. JTE checks out the latest action film to premiere on Netflix and this time it's got a stellar cast! Triple Frontier follows a group of ex-militaries as they.

Triple Frontier is a tense, dramatic thriller buoyed by a handful of strong performances and a fascinating screenplay by Mark Boal. Chris Agar is a news editor for Screen Rant, also writing features and movie reviews for the site as one of Screen Rant's Rotten Tomatoes approved critics. Triple Frontier movie reviews & Metacritic score: A group of former Special Forces operatives (Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund and. "Triple Frontier" Movie Review. In the opening moments of Triple Frontier, the latest Netflix film, it's not the action on screen that might catch your attention—it's the appearance of two names in the opening credits: Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal.

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