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Agatha is less overtly gory and supernatural-oriented than most efforts of its ilk, but it provides plenty of chilling, if slow-moving atmospherics St. Agatha is by no means a perfect movie, but I do have to give it credit for having a strong voice and for being unapologetically over-the-top in some of. Agatha may take too long to get going, but once the film is up and running it's perverse, overheated fun.

Agatha could have done without its overly derivative musical score, featuring breathy, childlike vocals, that. Agatha is a film with some intense nail-biting moments that will leave you on the edge of your. Agatha is a horror movie on Netflix in the nunsploitation niche genre.

St. Agatha

Carolyn Hennesy is absolutely brilliant as Mother Superior. Even though this Darren Lynn Bousman movie didn't do much for me, she's the reason to watch it. Agatha review or just watch it on Netflix! Starring Sabrina Kern, Carolyn Hennesy, Courtney Halverson, Seth Michaels, and Trin Miller. Coffins will do that to you and don't dare plan dinner-and-a-movie with St. Not because of gore, but food-related disgust [shudders].

Trailer St. Agatha

St. Agatha

St. Agatha

Agatha's" first few shots feature only one line of dialogue. Having a flashback while a priest drives her to some secluded countryside Culture Crypt is the most reliable website for genre movie reviews and the best in popular culture, specializing in independent horror film entertainment. Agatha is now streaming on Netflix!

The Movie trailer for St Agatha has dropped in the UK from #signatureuk enjoy https. The movie stars Sabrina Kern, Carolyn Hennesy and. A pregnant con woman named Agatha is on the run and seeks refuge in a convent hidden in deafening isolation. What first starts out as the perfect place to have a child turns into a dark lair where silence is forced.

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