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BLOOD VESSEL boasts impressive practical effects, set design, and a strong cast, but is stunted by familiar vampire mythos and the limitations of its ship Blood Vessel takes a nutty premise - vampires on a boat! - and totally wastes it. There's more talking than bloodsucking in this bafflingly boring movie. Blood Vessel - spectacularly titled - delivers on the promise of German Nosferatus preying upon unsuspecting WWII soldiers.

Movie Reviews / Reviews. 'Blood Vessel' MOVIE REVIEW: Impressive Aussie Horror Delivers Vampire Mayhem on the High Seas. Studio: The Horror Collective Director: Justin Dix Writer: Justin Dix, Jordan Prosser Producer: Nathan Phillips, Matthew. Blood Vessel is truly one of the most unique vampire movies I've ever seen.

Blood Vessel

A solid indie horror film from Australia, it feels totally fresh, while still adhering to enough genre tropes that genre fans will know where this is going. Yes, it had its problems: While some of the unknown cast was great, others just. I review a wide range of media including. Starring: Robert Taylor, Vivienne Perry, Troy Larkin and others. A lift raft adrift at sea, and in it, the survivors of a torpedoed hospital ship: With no food, water, or shelter. The film was directed by Justin Dix and written by Dix and Jordan Prosser.

Trailer Blood Vessel

Blood Vessel

Blood Vessel

It stars Alyssa Sutherland, Robert Taylor, Nathan Phillips, Christopher Kirby, John Lloyd Fillingham, and Alex Cooke. The crew aboard the Russian ship, The Demeter, are locked in a life-or-death struggle to stop Count Dracula. As our motley crew explores the ship, it becomes all too clear that some diabolical fate has befallen its German crew.

The mystery only deepens when they encounter a young Romanian girl, apparently the sole survivor, who leads them to a locked room in the bowels of the vessel. less. Once aboard, they discover the ship to be abandoned, with signs of a bloody struggle. If you spend a lot of time searching for a decent movie, searching tons of sites that are filled with advertising? We are pleased to inform you that you've come to the right place.

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