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"Rattlesnake" is a movie without a personality, wasting its few strong images and composed visually You can't make a movie about a single mother who has to kill to make the afterlife happy and film it. Rattlesnake gives you what you expect, but not much more. There is a terrific and devastating The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review.

So does Netflix have an intriguing psychological thriller. Rattlesnakes is a tale that follows Robert McQueen, an eccentric licensed therapist, who will live the most dramatic day of his life. How does Rattlesnake compare to other horror movies?


How does the movie present an abusive relationship? While a lot of horror movies take their time to get to the good stuff, Rattlesnake bursts out the gate and doesn't. An interesting idea that couldn't survive being stretched out to READ NEXT: The Best Horror Movies on Netflix. An example of this is a sequence where Katrina. MRQE Metric: See what the critics had to say and watch the trailer. Rattlesnake is a crime drama mystery film written and directed by Zak Hilditch and starring Carmen Ejogo, Theo Rossi and Emma Greenwell.

Trailer Rattlesnake



After a single mother's daughter is bitten by a rattlesnake. Starring: Carmen Ejogo, Theo Rossi, Emma Greenwell and others. Katrina (Carmen Ejogo) is a single mother driving cross country to start a new life with her young daughter Clara (Apollonia Pratt) when their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere.

When her young daughter (Apollonia Pratt) suffers from a life-threatening rattlesnake bite, a young, single mother (Carmen Ejogo) must trust an unusual woman she meets in the desert to help her child heal. Metacritic TV Episode Reviews, Rattlesnake Roundup / McFarland Cross Country, Rattlesnake Roundup Snake hunters from across the Southwest converge on Sweetwater, Texas to weigh in a. RATTLESNAKES A Neo Noir Psychological Thriller written & directed by Julius Amedume Produced By Jimmy Jean-Louis Based. Rattlesnakes are considered to be the newest and most evolved snakes in the world, as per scientists, owing to their sophisticated warning systems - the distinctive rattle as part of their tail.

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