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Interestingly, "Fyre Fraud" was released on Hulu a few days before the Netflix documentary on the same subject, the latter of which is the first one I watched. Looking for some great streaming picks? Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist.

Metacritic TV Reviews, Fyre Fraud, The documentary about the Fyre Festival that was not as promised was written and directed by Jenner Furst and Julia Willoughby Nason feat. "Fyre" hurls the swindle at its center like a bowling ball. It has arguments to make about the insecurities of millennials and the. Thoughts on Hulu's Fyre Fraud: The film with more external interviews that really helped it critique the festival itself.

Fyre Fraud

I felt like it tried too hard by trying to interject the film with popular film references, forced memes Most of the reviews are that the Netflix one is better made but significantly more dishonest. A review of Netflix's Fyre and Hulu's Fyre Fraud, a pair of new documentaries about the Fyre Festival and the crimes committed by its fraudulent organizer By coincidence, presumably, these streaming movies are almost exactly the same length. TV Review: 'Fyre Fraud' and 'Fyre'. Both films provide compelling portraits of Billy McFarland, the infamous Fyre impresario. Credit "Fyre Fraud" with a more expansive vision, in all senses, of the whole incident. The access to a post-arrest McFarland—existing in a moral gray zone though it. Документальный. Режиссер: Дженнер Ферст, Джулия Нейсон. В ролях: Белла Хадид, Джа Рул, Билли МакФарланд и др. Документальный фильм о «худшем фестивале в истории». Музыка: Даниэль Ферст, Кари Матин.

Trailer Fyre Fraud

Fyre Fraud

Fyre Fraud

Fyre Festival recaps are a lot like horror movies. Of course, that's why we watch scary movies in the first place.and why the great Garbage. Fyre Fraud consists almost entirely of jokey reference clips, marrying every pop-culture reference by an interview subject to the actual thing being mentioned like a live-action Family Guy riff.

What to Watch Now Movie Reviews TV Reviews Roundtables Podcasts. 'Fyre' and 'Fyre Fraud': TV Review. Smith is no stranger to documenting acts of deception. Read Matt Goldberg's Fyre Fraud review; Jenner Furst and Julia Willoughby Nason's documentary on Hulu explores the ramifications of the Fyre Festival. 'Fyre Fraud' Review: A Glib Look at the Issues Surrounding Fyre Festival. Tropes found in Fyre Fraud: Answer Cut: Billy vehemently denies lying during the interview, and demands that they name one lie he told.

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