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While "Paddleton" takes its time to get there, it ultimately reaches a deeply poignant conclusion. The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. Streaming Movie Review. "Paddleton," a Netflix original film, spends most of its time chronicling the aftermath of Michael's diagnosis and his subsequent decision to end his life with Andy's help.

After a terminal cancer diagnosis, a man and A movie about cancer has no right to be as consistently amusing as "Paddleton" — a triumph for which credit should. To play Paddleton you will need: two tennis rackets, a ball, a large wall, an empty oil drum and a friend. High Flying Bird review - Soderbergh scales new heights on Netflix.


What to Watch Now Movie Reviews TV Reviews Roundtables Podcasts. 'Paddleton': Film Review Paddleton is a depressingly sweet mumblecore film about friendship and dealing with illness. While the cancer trope is very common in most drama films, they still managed to make the trope inventive and. Paddleton has all the trope trademarks of something issue-intense and yet is dramatically inert, the combination of which makes for unpredictable unfolding of moments. Ray Romano's Netflix movie Paddleton is a surprise in every way. A common way to champion an actor is to say, "Man.

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It's a movie no one else knows or cares about; even the one other kung-fu aficionado they find, the The Verdict: Despite existing within the auspices of a predictable subgenre of indie film, Paddleton. Meandering but soulful 'Paddleton' worth the trip. While "Paddleton" takes its time meandering, circling and riffing, when it arrives at its intensely emotional destination, one can't help but be struck by.

In Paddleton, Michael and Andy are so disinterested in external life they seem deranged, though the actors play this terror Review: Chemical Hearts Trades in the Superficialities of High School Movies. Paddleton, the game from which the movie gets its title, is a game played by two neighbours, Andy and Michael. PADDLETON is the latest movie to be distributed by Netflix, and it's streaming from today. In a review graded A-, Entertainment Weekly heaped on the praise.

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