film Blood Craft 2019 s prijevodom * Blood Craft

Jennifer, Stefanie, and Joey are making a movie. But soon the lines between what is a movie and what is real begin to disappear. Low budget level acting, lazy script, bad FX.

Unless you're a die hard fan of tacky horror, you're going to struggle through this summoning. Flickering Myth Rating - Film: ★ / Movie: ★. It's a ludicrous and poorly thought-out concept, on almost every angle.

Blood Craft

If Mom was such a powerful wiccan After having seen the trailer, "Blood Craft" was on my radar for quite some time now. And finally I got to see it. With Dave Sheridan and Mark Rolston as. Blood Craft is uncomfortable from the very beginning. Its relentless hold will keep you in check until the credits roll. Yet, you will be ecstatic to witness the sibling bond that never wavers, even in the midst of malevolence.

Trailer Blood Craft

Blood Craft

Blood Craft

Other reviews: "Granted this amateurish horror. Blood Craft is so effective in the horrifying subject of child abuse and incest. Without too much graphic detail, the unsettled feeling of helplessness resonates throughout the entire film and only intensifies at the end.

But "Blood Craft" isn't much to proud of, aside from that. Ineptly written, often poorly-acted and directed with little style or sense of how you build. MRQE Metric: See what the critics had to say and watch the trailer. There are currently no user reviews for this film.

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