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It looks like we don't have any External Reviews for this title yet. Scare BnB Ratings & Reviews Explanation. I watch bad movies, b-movies, and just movies in general.

Scare BNB

Sometimes you run into movies that don't know what they. Two couples rent a spacious house in a seemingly remote location. What could possibly go wrong? Короткометражка, комедия. Режиссер: Paul Bathen. В ролях: Carly Barnes, Jaclyn Cole, Eugene Lindsey и др. Музыка: Paul Bathen, Шон К. Клемент. Продюсер: Грэйс Х Брайан, Дин МакДональд. Scare BNB Movie - Get information about Scare BNB movie wiki and full movie reviews story plot star cast, Latest movies coming soon and new movie releases date, movie review, trailer, teaser, full video songs at UMIDb A young woman is targeted online, secretly filmed while she stays at a. Scare BNB belongs to the following categories: Horror, Mystery, Thriller.

Trailer Scare BNB

Scare BNB

Scare BNB

Friends who are staying at a stunning home-share rental begin to suspect that something is not quite right with the property's charming and handsome host. A young woman is targeted online, secretly filmed while she stays at a short-term rental. Her every move is captured, but when her brother begins to uncover what's happening, he must find a way to rescue her from the eyes of her predators.

Scare BNB belongs to the following categories: Horror, Mystery, Thriller. A young woman is targeted by a network of online creeps, and secretly filmed while she stays at a short-term This is not really a horror movie, but a rather meandering revenge thriller--the multiple and annoying references to Jacobean revenge tragedy. Ужасы, мистика, мини-сериал. Режиссер: Damián Romay. A young woman is targeted online, secretly filmed while she stays at a short-term rental. Her every move is captured, but when her brother begins to uncover what's happening, he must find a way to rescue her from the eyes of her predators.

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