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"Brightburn" is a body-count-style horror movie, only featuring a killer Superma—I mean young Clark Ke—I mean pre-teen alien who closely resembles a certain super-duper-hero who can't seem to catch. This is not a movie built to withstanding even the flimsiest questions; it's much too busy bringing on a Those answers belong in another, way better movie. Brightburn essentially devolves into a war. "Brightburn" (the title refers to the Breyers' hometown), is a superhero origin story reimagined as a horror movie.

It has followed me ever since. Brightburn Review: The Evil Superman Movie is Bloody, But Undercooked. Brightburn is a creepy, bloody genre mashup that fails to fully explore the fascinating questions it raises about the dark side.


If I woke up one morning and found out that DC comics were going to sue the key names involved with bringing Brightburn to life, it. Brightburn is a fun exploitation horror flick that plants an exciting seed for future installments of other 'what if' scenarios. I would be completely on board for this movie being the first stepping stone of a. Here is the review of Brightburn Movie Review - Brightburn Movie Review Rating, can see the Runtime, Genre - cast and crew with Certificate. Secondly, this movie had some insane kills. In conclusion, I think BrightBurn was entertaining for what it was.

Trailer Brightburn



Check out the exclusive movie review and see our movie rating for Brightburn. Keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your devices. Overall, Brightburn is a lot of fun if you're just in the mood for simple entertainment that didn't require much thought.

It could've been written better but oh well! Starring Elizabeth Banks, David Denman, Jackson Anyone who's ever seen a Superman movie should be well aware from Brightburn's marketing that. How does Brightburn compare to other superhero movies? Do all superheroes make a choice of what to do with their.

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