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Dear reader, you probably know if you want to see a movie with predator dogs or not. Read Common Sense Media's Predator review, age rating, and parents guide. How do the scares in a movie like Predator compare to those in a typical slasher movie?

The Predator is a violent, explosive and gory action film. In other words, exactly what you expect from a Predator movie. 'The Predator' Cast Pay Homage to the Original. Live from the IMDboat, The Predator director Shane Black discusses his supporting role in the first movie and Keegan-Michael Key talks about preparing. 'The Predator' Review: He's Back, Bloodier and Snarkier Than Ever.


Shane Black's reboot brings much needed blood and banter to the sci-fi/action series — but it's still a franchise-first entry. The Predator movies are some of my favorite movies of all time. Brown, Boyd Holbrook, Jacob Tremblay, Olivia Munn, and more, opens Friday. The Predator is part comedy, part action flick, and all disappointing: EW review. Late in The Predator, the whole movie is summed up in the death of a single character. The death happens so quickly and with such little fanfare that you can literally blink and miss it.

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Shane Black's new film is a choppy, lackluster action flick. Cover yourself in mud, cause we're talking about Predator. I feel like Predator gets overshadowed a bit.

Because it is tied into the Alien series due to their crossover movies, games and comics, it is often the xenomorph which gets more attention. Film Deleted scenes Goofs Novelization Soundtrack Characters. "Soon the hunt will begin.". ―Predator tagline. The Predator is a shambled mess. It doesn't know what it's trying to be or show.

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