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Teens are always watching american movies and tv show. For once, a movie about being a teen in Argentina exists. Драма. Режиссер: Лукас Санта Ана. В ролях: Tomás Agüero, María Lía Bagnoli, Gregorio Barrios и др. Музыка: Mariano A. Fernández. Продюсер: Daniel Chocron, Альберто Маслиа.

Perhaps because "L'Adolescente" was co-written and directed by a woman, however, neither this scene nor anything else in the movie has the voyeuristic tone of so. Starring: Renato Quattordio, Malena Narvay, Thomas Lepera and others. After the suicide of his best friend and the fire of a local dance called Cromañón, including recitals, illegal parties in an abandoned warehouse and high school.

Yo, adolescente

ESTRENO YO ADOLESCENTE Ретвитнул(а) zabo #YoAdolescente. Ahora @zabodice en el Instagram de @ElRecoleta hablando de su @yoadolescente. L'Adolescente (An Adolescent Girl) Ratings & Reviews Explanation. L'Adolescente (The Adolescent) was the second directorial stint for French film star Jeanne Moreau. This is a movie where attention is given to the lives of the characters, not the flourishes of the director. El incendio de un local bailable llamado Cromañón cambia la vida nocturna y cultural de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

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Yo, adolescente

Yo, adolescente

Alguien en alguna parte tiene que estar pasando por lo mismo. Yo adolescente, de Lucas Santa Ana, estreno argentino de hoy en streaming. Dirección y guion: Lucas Santa Ana.

Alternatieve titel: Memories of a Teenager. Be the first one to write a review. Yo entiendo todo, entiendo que esto pueda atravesar emocionalmente a alguien, pero es un desastre. A lot of people like movies and films.

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