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Movie review of Pickaxe, directed by Jeremy Sumrall and starring Cory W. Michael Baldwin, Keefer Barlow, Wild eye releasing. Usually I do my best to defend Lower budgeted horror movies BUT sometimes they make it almost impossible.

Pickaxe is paced like a legitimately bad slasher movie. There are sections that drag like a plough They succeeded, for better or for worse. Pickaxe - film review Reviewed byTimothy Janson on.


REVIEW: Well, what can I say about the movie Pickaxe (directed and written by Jeremy Sumrall)? Loading… Watch Pickaxe now on your favorite device! The survivors of a series of brutal killings in a small town. A pickaxe is a handheld tool used for digging and breaking through rock. It consists of a wooden handle with a metal head. The head has a pointed end for penetrating dense material opposite a broader, flat end used for prying.

Trailer Pickaxe



Movie will be about a griefer's life. But thats not all, I want to make a suprise so you will et more The movie will be published in my YouTube channel. You will have the copy of movie.

But teenagers experimenting with the occult awaken the monster from his grave and he begins another rampage of terror with his favorite tool, a pickaxe. Only those who have faced him before have any. Michael Baldwin, Keefer Barlow and others. A pickaxe, pick-axe, or pick is a generally T-shaped hand tool used for prying.

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