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Tabaluga is developed the best of all. He is courageous, kind, but still is quite young and makes And now my spoiler-free part of the review comes to an end. The movie is excellent overall and it's.

Tabaluga (also known as Tabaluga & Lilli) is a German animated fantasy family film directed by Sven Unterwaldt Jr. and starring Wincent Weiss in the title role. TABALUGA - DER FILM, mit den Liedern von Peter Maffay und den Stimmen von Wincent Weiss, Yvonne Catterfeld, Rick Kavanian, Michael Bully Herbig, Rufus Beck und Heinz Hoenig. Tabaluga, a small green dragon, is the protagonist of a franchise of the same name.


Tabaluga, the helpful little dragon, is coming to the big screen. Variety reports that Munich-based Global Screen has snapped up the global rights for the animated feature Tabaluga and will launch it. Tabaluga the movie - German Trailer. I though that Arktos on the screenshots was ugly but JUST I have some screenshots from the movie and maybe I will make like a full review but it will look more. Welcome Login to rate movies, write reviews and much more. The brave dragon Tabaluga must learn to breathe fire.

Trailer Tabaluga



One day, on a trip to Greenland, he meets the beautiful ice princess Lilli, and falls. Sung by none other than Peter Maffay himself. Tabaluga befriends the citizen of Greenland, trains to follow his fathers footsteps and vows to free all the ones.

Superman: Man of Tomorrow Review: A Good Origin Story That Lacks Punch. Get all the latest Telugu movie reviews. Read what the movie critics say, give your own rating and write your take on the story, music and cast of your favourite Tollywood movies. TV"), based on the character of the same name created by Peter Maffay.

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