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In Roman Polanski's "The Ghost Writer," a man without a past rattles around in the life of a man with too much of one. He begins by reading the work of an earlier ghost who mysteriously drowned, and finds it boring and conventional. While it may lack the revelatory punch of Polanski's finest films, Ghost Writer benefits from stylish direction, a tense screenplay, and a strong central.

A ghost writer, hired to complete the memoirs of a former British Prime Minister, uncovers secrets that put his own life in jeopardy. THE GHOST WRITER opens with a ferry docking in the gloom of a rainy night. On board, a car is unclaimed, the whereabouts of its driver unknown.

Ghost Writer

And so begins this mind-bending thriller based on a novel by Robert Harris that sheds its skin like the proverbial onion, one engrossing layer at a time. THE GHOST WRITER had me guessing the entire way through and was an exciting ride. Admittedly, the style of the film is at times inconsistent - specifically I am thinking of the Consistently heard negative reviews of this one, but was pleasantly surprised when I finally gave it a chance. THE GHOST WRITER had me guessing the entire way through. A ghost writer, hired to complete the memoirs of a former British Prime Minister, uncovers secrets that put his own life in jeopardy. Opens on Friday in New York and Los Angeles.

Trailer Ghost Writer

Ghost Writer

Ghost Writer

It stars Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan, Kim Cattrall, and Olivia Williams. The film was a critical and commercial. The movie is a very enjoyable and atmospheric political thriller with Ewan Macgregor being hired as a ghost writer to help pen the biography of shady former British Prime Minister played by Pierce Brosnan, the setting is supposedly a remote high tech beach house in upstate NY but its obviously shot in a Scandinavian country, director Polanski.

He introduces himself, simply, as the Ghost. He has no family, no attachments. He makes his living by chewing on the lives of bolder, braver beings, hovering and hearing as his subjects spill their secrets. Then, like a medieval familiar, he takes their stories and spells them out, retouched, reshaped.

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