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The best movie reviews, in your inbox. Yes, it uses a lot of your action film. Movie was great but as Dwayne Johnston allways does a still violent and freaky at some points movie with a little bit of cursing.

Dwayne Johnson gets serious in disaster film-meets-'Die Hard' blockbuster - and slightly misses the mark. Starring: Dwayne Johnson, Neve Campbell, Chin Han and others. It's easy to love a big, dumb action flick.


You show up to cheer on the good guy, hope the bad guy dies in an interesting way, and rest your brain for a bit. The Pearl really does look like it's looming over Hong Kong, and. Johnson, a performer whose colossal physicality is strikingly complemented by a delicate expressivity too rarely. When you see Dwayne Johnson wipe his sweat, furrow his brow, clench. Keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your devices.

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