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Balloon is a German thriller that deals with the crossing of the inner German border of the families Strelzyk and Wetzel from the GDR to West Germany with a homemade hot-air balloon. But after the balloon crash-lands just before the West German border, the Stasi find In a nerve-wracking race against the clock, the two families attempt to build a new escape balloon as the Stasi. Is Bosskey going to burst this Balloon?

Review: Balloon doesn't break any new ground in the horror genre, but it adapts a bunch of the genre's tropes — possessed kid, exorcism, revenge-seeking ghost and the like — to give us a solid horror film. From left, Friedrich Mücke and Jonas Holdenrieder in "Balloon."Credit. Balloon movie review: A gripping horror-comedy with entertaining action scenes.


Balloon is a well made horror comedy that provides the necessary thrill needed for the genre. To be fair, the opening credits of Balloon does start with a list of. Balloon is a horror thriller scripted and directed by Sinish. The film is produced by Dhilip Subbarayan, Nandakumar and Arun Balaji. The film has the star c. Cast: Jai, Anjali, Yogi Babu, Janani Iyer.

Trailer Balloon



Tamil film industry doesn't seem to get enough of the horror-comedy genre. The last one for the year is Balloon. Balloon is uninventive and ends up repeating sequences from earlier horror flicks.

Horror flick Balloon opens with a special and most unusual sequence involving a.haunted house. THE RED BALLOON is an allegorical story of a boy and his red balloon has only a few background words of. Balloon movie review click to rate the movie. Balloon - Comedy keeps it afloat.

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