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The College Admissions Scandal follows two wealthy mothers, Caroline (Penelope Ann Miller), a sought after interior designer and Bethany (Mia Kirshner), an owner of a successful The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. The scandal that put Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman in handcuffs and involved bribery in the millions of dollars, a mastermind at the helm of the con and some of the most storied universities in America. Metacritic TV Reviews, The College Admissions Scandal, Caroline (Penelope Ann Miller) and Bethany (Mia Kirshner) are two wealthy mothers who buy their children's way into prestigious Your score has been saved for The College Admissions Scandal.

At first, I thought that last scene was just the end, or close to it - Danny (Sam Duke), a white high school kid in Los Angeles whose parents bought his way into Stanford. The Lifetime movie version of the college admissions scandal — evocatively titled "The College Admissions Scandal" — aired Saturday night. The movie has a great deal of fun skewering stressed-out helicopter moms and dads fixated on brand-name colleges.

The College Admissions Scandal

At one point, a group of. Драма. Режиссер: Адам Салки. В ролях: Пенелопа Энн Миллер, Миа Киршнер, Роберт Молони и др. Музыка: Грэм Коулмэн. Продюсер: Кристиан Бруйе, Chris Colao, Гэйл Кац и др. "The College Admissions Scandal," which stars Mia Kirshner as a Brentwood antiheroine, sheds light and truth on its themes with an authenticity only For now, though, the first draft of fantasy arrives on Lifetime. It's a movie called "The College Admissions Scandal," scheduled to air this weekend. Lifetime has already made a movie about the College Admission Scandal even though the case is ongoing. Don't expect to see any closure. Lifetime began filming the movie long before all the details have been revealed and before anyone had been fined or sentenced to prison. After all, the sordid tale of rich Hollywood moms and their desire for their kids to get into college at any cost.

Trailer The College Admissions Scandal

The College Admissions Scandal

The College Admissions Scandal

If your first thought when the college admissions scandal first broke was, "This seems like exactly the type of material that would benefit from an even-handed documentary shedding light on the evils that movie has not happened! However, if your first thought was, "Wow, what a mess, I can't wait to see. "College Admissions Scandal will follow two wealthy mothers who share an obsession with getting their teenagers into the best possible college," the film description reads, according to the Hollywood Reporter, likely referring to Huffman and Loughlin. If that's true, The College Admissions Scandal seems as pointless as it is, I suppose, satisfying.

It's about as good as you might expect a film to be when it premieres seven months to the day after the events it is based on took place. So, congrats to Lifetime on its speed? The College-Admissions Scandal Was Better Than a Movie. The Lifetime film adaptation barely had to make anything up.

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