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Sprinter is a movie that leaves virtually no sporting cliche unbothered, yet it's rooted in a naturalistic, emotional family drama reflecting the specific pleasures and perils of life in Jamaica. Sprinter is a movie that leaves virtually no sporting cliche unbothered, yet it's rooted in a naturalistic, emotional family drama reflecting the specific pleasures and perils of life in Jamaica. Saved under Entertainment, Film, Headlines Tags: sprinter "Sprinter" is a Jamaican heart-warming sports film directed by Storm Saulter, with Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith as executive producers.

Parents need to know that Sprinter is a Jamaican movie about a talented young runner with family issues that threaten both his ambition and his innate sense of right and wrong. The movie is in English with subtitles to help viewers with the island dialect. The high school sprinter must deal with an absent mother, an alcoholic dad, and a corrupt brother as he tries to succeed.


With Lorraine Toussaint, David Alan Grier, Bryshere Y. A boy separated from his mother who has moved to the U. S. for a better life, is set to be Jamaica's next track-and-field sensation. Watch Sprinter now on your favorite device! Enjoy a rich lineup of TV shows and movies included with your Prime membership.. There was a problem filtering reviews right now.

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This film gives a beautiful insight on the first hand perspective. SPRINTER tells the story of Akeem Sharp (Dale Elliott), who is set to be Jamaica's next big track-and-field sensation. Akeem hopes a rise in the track and fi.

Sprinter the Film is a movie about a Jamaican teen who is burdened by an unstable father and an unruly older brother hopes a meteoric rise in track-and-field. SPRINTER tells the story of Akeem Sharp who is set to be Jamaica's next big track-and-field sensation. Akeem hopes a rise in the track and field world will take him to the U. S. to reunite him with his mother who has supported the family while living as an illegal resident for over a decade.

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