Diablo Rojo PTY ceo film film Diablo Rojo PTY (2019) sa prevodom * Diablo Rojo PTY 2019 ceo film sa prevodom besplatno

Directed by Sol Moreno and J. Starring Carlos Carrasco, Leo Wiznitzer, Alejandra Araúz, Natalia Beluche, Renan Fernandez, and Julian Urriola. See All Audience Reviews Diablo Rojo PTY Quotes.

With Carlos Carrasco, Leo Wiznitzer, Alejandra Araúz, Natalia Beluche. A "Diablo Rojo" bus driver, his helper, a priest, and two policemen fall victim to a mysterious spell and end up lost somewhere in the Chiriqui jungle, where they will have to survive the creatures that inhabit the roads, with the old bus as their only refuge. Diablo Rojo PTY stars Carlos Carrasco and Leo Wiznitzer.

Diablo Rojo PTY

Reviewed by: Jennie Kermode "The ending is a real peach which will have genre fans cheering in delight." Director Sol Moreno's film DIABLO ROJO PTY is already available to watch on Amazon Prime Video, thanks to the folks at The Horror Collective, and we wanted to draw a little extra attention to this. Diablo Rojo PTY is a better version of this tale; than the La LLorona film I saw last year. It features great practical effects, even a great version of La Tulivieja. Marvelous Videos ; Movie Review - The Cannibal. My notes on Diabolo Rojo PTY, which is out on US digital platforms.

Trailer Diablo Rojo PTY

Diablo Rojo PTY

Diablo Rojo PTY

The first movie for director Sol Moreno and the first horror film to come out of Panama, Diablo Rojo PTY makes use of the folklore of its country. The first film this week, MONSTRUM from director Jong-ho Huh, follows a warrior who must save his kingdom from a ferocious beast. The second film, DIABLO ROJO (PTY) from directors Sol Moreno and J.

Diablo Rojo PTY is more focused on entertaining horror buffs than providing a detailed serious education about La Tulivieja and her ilk, but the filmmakers provide enough of an introduction to show what makes these Panamanian supernatural entities tick. Diablo Rojo PTY (PTY is the airport code for Panama if you must know. Hereonin we will just callt it Diablo Rojo) is the first horror film from Panama and the first time on screen that anyone will have seen the monster of The Tulivieja. Diablo Rojo PTY is the first horror film to come out of Panama, and it definitely jumps into the horror scene with a bang.

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