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I don't review movies here very often, not being the greatest at formulating my thoughts into a concise opinion, but this movie deserves a little extra praise. Review by nastasia ★★. not so bad, except unnecessary music performances and star wars references. Without Milos Bikovic's bad acting, this movie would be so much better.

Interestingly, the three lead voices are provided by performers who began as stand-up comics rather than actors. This film also tells the story of three unlikely Palaeolithic mammal friends - a mammoth named Manfred, a sloth named Sid and a sabre-toothed tiger named Diego and how they banded together against the. Check out the exclusive movie review and see our movie rating for Ice.


Too bad this Camille Paglia fantasy woman is played by Traci Lords, the ex-porn star turned fully-clothed action lead. The film takes place during a southward migration of species during a great ice age. Such migrations took place over millennia and were not the pre-Cambrian equivalent of going to Florida for the winter. I'd like to speak about the film called "Ice Age". The director of the film is Chris Wedge. Superman: Man of Tomorrow Review: A Good Origin Story That Lacks Punch.

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