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But because the movie respects its material, it even succeeds in halfway selling us this story; movies that look like "Clash of the Titans" have a tendency to seem ridiculous, but this film has the courage of its convictions. Although this movie is titled "Clash of the Titans," no actual Titans appear in the story, other than a cursory mention in the introduction. Stories of time before man and gods, when Titans ruled the earth.

This version is no Ray Harryhausen (the master of early claymation film making), but it does The movie is violent and has a deformed demon. There is a little bit of bl. Clash of the Titans is definitely enjoyable, and has exiting action, but too much of that "exiting action", the director's gotta just calm down and slow the film "Clash of the Titans" is the latest example of Hollywood's belief that any terrible script can be made palatable if you just throw enough money and.

Clash of the Titans

Review for the film " Clash of the Titans". The clashing titans in "Clash of the Titans" are a pretty sorry lot. There's Zeus, played by Liam Neeson with a beard best described as magisterially scraggly. Clash of the Titans is exactly what you'd expect—a cheesy but fun thrill ride with lots of action and not much story. The story is very loosely based on the Greek myth of Perseus. Audiences will flock to the movie for its colossal effects, and even if this Medusa slinks around better than Ray Harryhausen's stop-motion stunner from the first go-round, she's still trapped in a video game.

Trailer Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans

Thanks for checking out our Clash of the Titans review. Genre: Fantasy Adventure Directed by: Louis Leterrier Staring: Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson The whole feel of the movie gives a more gritty reality to this world of utter fantasy. Where the Gods are real and people are only partly surprised to. "Better Get Kraken".

What You Need To Know: CLASH OF THE TITANS is a fantasy story of Perseus who leads a revolt against the gods. Stop Motion animation was used extensively in many special effects, and the monsters were created by Ray Harryhausen, who retired from filmmaking shortly after Clash was released. The clashing titans in "Clash of the Titans" are a pretty sorry. lot. Movie Review: The super heroes have had their say.

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